Our August newsletter is here! Check out Trinity's big announcement in the Pastor's Blog, the exciting update about Trinity Community Ministries, all the events coming up this fall and a Baby Announcement! Happy Reading!
Read MoreOur July Evangel has arrived! There's a great blog from our Pastor about her time at Pastors' School a couple weeks ago, a video trailer that highlights just a little bit of a project that we are working on for this fall, a photo that we "recreated" from 25 years ago and so much more! Read and watch all of it and then share it with your friends!
Read MoreThe June Evangel is here! As you may know our church's Annual Conference was a few weeks ago so we have lots of updates from there: Pastor Dana talks about Annual Conference and the Commission on the Way Forward in this month's Pastor's Corner; there's also a video of Bishop Sue's thoughts on the Way Forward and we have our Lay Leader's account of her first Annual Conference. Plus so much more!! Happy Reading!
PS. Check out our cover - it's a Trinity bulletin from 1939! Thanks Ray for bringing that to us!
Read MoreOur May edition of the Trinity Evangel is out! There is a great blog from our Pastor about borders and her time at the Borderland in May, lots of updates on our members and even a baby shower!
Read MoreOur April Edition of the Trinity Evangel is out and has lots of fun photos and info about everything that's been going on here at Trinity United Methodist Church. Have a read and share with your friends!!
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