Sunday Worship
We’re so glad you found your way to Trinity. We extend a special welcome to the young, the old, the extravagantly wealthy, the ones struggling to get by. We especially welcome transgender folks, cisgender folks, genderqueer folks, gay folks, straight folks, bi-folks, poly folks. We love quiet children, rambunctious children, curious children, polite teenagers, sullen teenagers, excited teenagers. We extend a special welcome to those who have always been in church, never been in church, or got fed up and angry at the church. (We get that.) We welcome you if you’re single, separated, divorced, married, or widowed. We welcome you if you’re childless or have 20 children. We extend the warmest of welcomes to Democrats, Republicans, Socialists, Libertarians, Communists, Green Party, and Independents. You are welcome here if you were born here, born in another country, born on another planet, here with documents or without documentation. We welcome all of God’s children, and that means you!
Our Worship service begins at 10am in the Fellowship Hall, although you may find us in the sanctuary for High Holy Days and on special occasions. We sing hymns with an organ or piano, we celebrate communion on the first Sunday of every month and use prayers and liturgy that are written by our own members. Dress is casual. As Weny likes to say, “We are High Church in low heals.” We have a room off the Fellowship Hall where younger children can play and color; it’s a space where parents can easily keep an eye on their kids and still be a part of worship.
Then following worship, we gather for a luncheon — where all are welcome — prepared by one of our members.
If you can’t be there in person, you can join us online on our Facebook page where we stream on our service at 11am.
If you have further questions, you can email Pastor Deborah or use our Contact page to reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you!
Trinity United Methodist Church is located in downtown Atlanta on the corner of Trinity Avenue (two-way, East/West) and Washington Street (one-way, South), two blocks south of the State Capitol building and across from City Hall.
Trinity members and guests may use the Government Center Parking Deck to the southwest of the church building. (Pull into the parking lot to the right just the church as you travel south on Washington Street just past Trinity Ave; then precede to the end of the lot, you’ll find the parking deck to your left). On Saturdays and Sundays and after 6:00 p.m. on weekdays, the chain-link gates are closed but you are still allowed to park in the deck. Pull up to the gates and take a ticket. You may park in the deck for free if you have your parking ticket validated, so be sure to bring your ticket inside when you come.
On MARTA's East-West line, get off at Georgia State. Exit the Piedmont Avenue side and walk South toward the State Capitol. At the State Capitol, take a right on Martin L. King Jr. Drive, go one block, and turn left on Washington. Go two blocks on Washington. Trinity is on your right, at the corner of Trinity and Washington.
On MARTA's North-South line, get off at the Garnett Street station. Exit the station to Broad Street. The first cross street you come to is Trinity Avenue. Take a right and walk about 3 blocks to Washington Street. The church is on your right.
265 Washington ST. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303